Presentation Coaching

We have the tools to get your message across when you make a presentation in English.

Test yourself in 3 min

Test your Business English.

Take our quick test and you will get an immediate answer on how you did in three areas; verb forms, prepositions and vocabulary.


“I sincerely recommend Executive English due to their friendly and professional approach and their ability to tailor the training to my needs.”

Katarina Sjögren,
Ägare Adisi Consulting


“The enjoyable and intellectually stimulating lessons have improved my fluency and broadened my vocabulary significantly”

Lars Nordström,
Client Executive Institutional Clients Swedbank


“The training has not only improved my English skills, but the tailored international material also gives me new angles to pursue for my work.”

Ari Riabacke, Beslutsdoktor
Riabacke Stockholm AB


“I am delighted to highly recommend both the company Executive English and teacher Julia Linden-Hill.”

Ann Flodström
Head of Nordic Markets
SIX x-clear

Anders Borg

“For our employe­es, Execu­ti­ve Eng­lish's educa­tio­nal pro­gram has re­sul­ted in an im­men­se im­pro­ve­ment in the ab­i­li­ty of both spo­ken and writ­ten Eng­lish”

Anders Borg, CEO/Senior Advisor
Intellecta Communications

Elisabeth Ekstrand

“Excellent Lawyers! Extraordinary English teachers!”

Elisabeth Ekstrand, Chefsjurist
Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur


“I strongly recommend Executive English to anyone that needs or wants to improve their English skills.”

Karl Simonsson
Caverion Sverige AB

Presentation Coaching

Many of our clients are good presenters and communicators when they speak in their native language, but feel that they don’t achieve the same flow and that they don’t have the same freedom when presenting in English.

This can be improved in many ways through our Presentation Coaching. We look at everything that is included in making the presentation, the words, the images, the body language (which often changes when speaking in a foreign language) and the flow of the whole speech in order to improve the performance, point by point.

And the great thing is that as one area improves, others follow automatically. For example, a better script achieves greater flow which improves confidence and in turn body language. If you also want to find the keys to making a great presentation in English, don’t hesitate to contact us.

For further information, please call 073-600 44 16 or email and I’ll get back to you shortly.