Service packages for your growth

We offer 3 coaching packages specific to your needs. Contact us and we will present more details about the coaching package you are interested in.

One-on-one Executive Coaching:

Intensive, personalized sessions to refine your English for professional success.

Boardroom Excellence Training:

Hone your skills for high stake presentations, negotiations and public speaking.

Global Leadership Communication:

Build confidence and cultural awareness for an effective global presence.


First 10 clients to give the green light for EE Coaching in 2025 will receive a complimentary exclusive digital subscription to The Financial Times, the world’s leading source of quality journalism.

Consultants at Executive English

Our consultants at Executive English specialize in helping companies and organizations improve their English communication. By offering English coaching services, we can tailor a plan to help employees develop their skills and become more confident in communicating in English.

Julia Linden-Hill

Founder of Executive English

25 years of solid experience in Sweden dealing with C-Suite Executives as well as Leaders in the private and the public sector. There is no obstacle which cannot be moved on the journey to get to the next level of precision and accuracy in the use of Business English. In Sweden, she has worked with mainly corporate clients such as Atlas Copco, Saab Bofors, SEB, Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Nordea, Den Danske Bank, Nasdaq, EQT Partners, KPMG, Hufvudstaden, SWECO, Scania, Mannheimer Swartling and Springtime-Intellecta.

Call 073-600 44 16 or email and I’ll get back to you shortly.

Claire Wigg

Public Sector and Non-profit,
Technical English, Greentech

MBA from the University of Stockholm on top of degrees from Cambridge and Leeds. Has worked extensively in the public sector, with NGO’s and in greentech environments. Sustainable development, bioenergy, clean water and biofules are some of the areas where Claire has a wealth of expertise.

Call 073-600 44 16 or email and I’ll get back to you shortly.

Julia Linden-Hill

Your dedicated English guru.

C-Suite Manager / Board Member looking for individual customised leadership coaching in English?

What Sets Me Apart From Others?

  • A deep understanding of the linguistic and strategic needs of senior executives.

  • A results-oriented approach, blending advanced language techniques with leadership coaching.

  • Discretion and professionalism, ensuring your journey is confidently confidential.

Trusted by leading organisations

Long-term cooperation with well-known companies and organisations.

Clients in English Coaching.

Executive English is a leading provider of customised Business English coaching services to Scandinavian companies and organizations.

Anders Borg

Anders Borg
CEO/Se­ni­or Ad­vi­ser
In­tel­lec­ta Cor­po­ra­te AB

“For our employe­es, Execu­ti­ve Eng­lish’s educa­tio­nal pro­gram has re­sul­ted in an im­men­se im­pro­ve­ment in the ab­i­li­ty of both spo­ken and writ­ten Eng­lish”


Elisabeth Ekstrand
General Counsel
The Internet Infrastructure

“Excellent Lawyers! Extraordinary English teachers!”


Ann Flodström
He­ad of Nor­dic Mar­kets
SIX x-clear

“I am de­lighted to highly re­com­mend both the com­pa­ny Execu­ti­ve Eng­lish and te­acher Ju­lia Lin­den-Hill”


Ari Riabacke
Ph.D. in Decision Making
Ri­a­bac­ke Stock­holm AB

“The trai­ning has not on­ly im­pro­ved my Eng­lish skills, but the tai­lo­red in­ter­na­tio­nal ma­te­ri­al al­so gi­ves me new ang­les to pur­sue for my work”


Camilla Wagner
Wag­ner Me­dia Group

“My con­sul­tant ful­ly pre­pa­red me to de­li­ver a flaw­less per­for­man­ce when mo­de­ra­ting Fred­rik Re­in­feldt and Da­vid Ca­me­ron at the Nor­dic Fu­tu­re Fo­rum.”


Ulrik Bergmark
Concent AB

”The trai­ning to­tal­ly ex­cee­ded our ex­pecta­tions. It was ful­ly tai­lo­red, of­fe­red both in Stock­holm and Norr­kö­ping and gre­at for team buil­ding”

Karl Simonsson
Electrical Installations Caverion Sverige AB

“I strongly recommend Executive English to anyone that needs or wants to improve their English skills.”


Lars Nordström
Client Executive Institutional Clients, Swedbank

“The enjoyable and intellectually stimulating lessons have improved my fluency and broadened my vocabulary significantly”


Katarina Sjögren
Adi­si Con­sul­ting

“I sin­ce­rely re­com­mend Execu­ti­ve Eng­lish due to their fri­end­ly and pro­fes­sio­nal ap­pro­ach and their ab­i­li­ty to tai­lor the trai­ning to my needs.”

Let’s make things happen

Book a free consultation

Julia Linden-Hill

Your dedicated English guru.


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